Each Team Member Embodies The Character, Energy and Professional Ethics Expected of the Best REALTORS®. Learn What Makes Each of Us Unique!

Charleston S. Wallace
Favorite Quote: “Good character always finds a good audience” – Charleston S. Wallace
Favorite Thing About Fayetteville/NC: The diversity of our population thanks to Fort Bragg!
Hobbies/Passions: Spending Time with Family and Friends, Traveling (I’ve been to 15 countries), Firearms, Lifting Weights, Networking with Likeminded Individuals, Reading, Volunteering at the Animal Shelter.
Unique Fact(s): (1)I lived in Japan for nearly 4 years, but I only know two phrases. (2) I’m left-handed. (3) I play the drums for my house band where I’m also the vocalist and air guitarist. (4) During my freshman year of college I was ranked 10 in the world on Call of Duty World at War. When I went home for college break my mom wouldn’t let me play my Xbox because she doesn’t like shooting games. When I returned to college I was ranked 736. I stopped playing video games at that point.

Brandi Sutton
Favorite Quote: “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s about learning to dance in the rain” – Vivian Greene
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around” – Leo Buscaglia
Favorite Thing About Fayetteville/NC: The diversity of the population; the locally owned delicious restaurants & unique small businesses; the revitalization of downtown; the location – the ability to be in the mountains or at the beach in a few hours or less.
Hobbies/Passions: Anything that allows me to explore my creative, adventurous side and the desire to always keep learning! Photography; Painting; Interior Design; Traveling & Exploring; Tap Dancing; Roller & Ice Skating; Water & Trampoline Parks; Music & Reading; Puzzles, Trivia, & Board Games; Going to Sports Events, Concerts, Plays, & Comedy Shows; anything pertaining to Vintage Fashion, Furniture, & Decor; Volunteering for Hospice and at the Animal Shelter.
Unique Fact(s): (1) I read that you have less than a 1% chance of being a left-handed, green-eyed woman…if that’s true I guess that makes me pretty unique. (2) If we are talking on the phone you might hear a little voice call me “Moo-Moo”. That’s my most favorite tiny human in the world, my granddaughter. (3) I like to quote song lyrics and use puns in conversations and see if people notice. (4) My hidden superpower is drawing Snoopy using numbers.

Brittney Hill
Favorite Quotes: “Comparison is the thief of joy”. – Theodore Roosevelt
Find your purpose, pursue it relentlessly, passionately, and loudly; be persistent, and WIN! – Angela Bassett
Favorite Thing About Fayetteville/NC: The city isn’t too large or too small, so I can get anywhere in 25 minutes or less. Also, it’s within driving distance of many big cities and beaches, which makes visiting family, friends, and weekend getaways easy.
Hobbies/Passions: Traveling internationally, Learning, Practicing foreign languages, Reading business growth books, Dancing, Singing, & Creating affordable housing for the ‘Average Joes & Joans’.
Unique Fact(s): (1) I took 2 semesters of Mandarin, but can only remember a few lines (2) I was an international flight attendant turned instructor and traveled all over the world (3) I was born in Germany (4) I have a degree in Spanish (5) I regret not studying abroad.

Willy Vivas
Favorite Quote: “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison
Favorite Thing About Fayetteville/NC: The atmosphere this great city brings, where you can connect to so many great people and learn something new everyday.
Hobbies/Passions: I enjoy improving my fitness daily in the gym, hiking and exploring the outdoors, biking, volunteering, and traveling the world.
Unique Fact(s): 1. Bilingual (fluent in Spanish) 2. right handed 3. Army Veteran, served 13 years.

Sherice Wood
Favorite Quote: “Never trust your fears, they don’t know your strengths” – Vivian Greene;
“Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens”
Favorite Thing About Fayetteville/NC: I love how it is a multicultural and diverse city that is conveniently located close to beaches and mountains. I also enjoy the many family owned businesses and that I am always able to find hiding gems, such as restaurants or outdoor activities.
Hobbies/Passions: I enjoy anything that allows me to be in nature, sparks my creativity, and helps me relax. Some of my specific hobbies include: lifting weights, yoga, pilates, reading & writing, hiking, deep conversations with open-minded individuals, horseback riding, going to the beach and networking. I love helping others and spending free time with my children, family and friends. Also, I’ve been working towards learning the piano. I recently took a major step by purchasing a piano that’s currently sitting in my garage waiting to be brought to life.
Unique Fact(s): (1) I was born and raised in Germany where I learned to fluently speak four languages. However, since living in the U.S. I speak so much English that I can now only speak English and German. German is my first language and if you listen closely you can sometimes hear an accent. (2) Since I was a child I have loved horseback riding! (3) Some of my fondest childhood memories are of me racing my friends on our houses. To this day I still enjoy riding horses when I’m able. (3) I’m a vegetarian and have been for a very long time. In fact, I’m a huge advocate for anything healthy, for example, using herbs instead of medicine, nutritious eating, and incorporating healthy habits for a healthy lifestyle. I enjoy physical activity outdoors and have ran two Spartan races. (4) I recently added a mini schnauzer puppy to my family and she has been keeping us on our toes on a daily basis; literally everyday she surprises us with something unexpected. Initially I wanted to name her Avocado (my favorite fruit), however I felt like it wasn’t very fitting for her personality, so we came up with the name Olive.